“I didn’t get this far by charging rich people more…I’ll charge you like I charge a poor person; I keep that price the same, I never change.” Platinum Shine, Elthridge’s business of 27 years. You can also check out the quality of his work on Facebook. -Ethridge Miller Ethridge believes that one price fits all […]
“If my customer can afford me, good…I don’t compete on prices because that degrades the quality of the service.” —Jose Peza Jose believes in customer satisfaction, flexibility, and that you get what you pay for, and he has the experience, education, dedication, and tools to prove it. Over 25 years how many different detail companies […]
When I owned a high volume detail shop, a lot of our customers would go on long road trips then drop off their car when done. They inevitably had hundreds if not thousands of dead insects across the face of their cars. We tried lots of solutions: Citrus pre-cleaners Bug/tar removers Claybar Nothing worked as […]
Jean Claude of Detailed Designs Auto Spa gets an average of $900 to clean and polish a car. Read our interview with Jean, and discover: Why his clients pay him 4 times more than his competitors. How he meets clients. Mistakes he made on the way to become a high dollar detailer. Why he continues […]
Mark Barger’s Southern Illinois detail service, VisualPro Detailing, gets attention. The bright graphics on his truck and trailer, and the design of his beautiful website say: “You can trust your car image to me.” When we talked to Mark he was very candid about his experience jumping into car detailing full time, revealing. Read the […]
The largest annual convention for mobile appearance techs was held on a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in late January in Orlando, FL. The MTE is a huge opportunity to: Learn about new products that improve your business. Learn new ways of doing business from valuable seminars. Build valuable relationships with vendors and other techs. Take […]
I’ve had customers tell me they chose my recon business solely because of the before and after photos on our website. Our competitors talked for days about how great they were. We SHOWED them. And they called us. Uses for your photos. Website. Have a “gallery” page where you showcase your work. Sprinkle in some […]
Are you ready for “the rush?” In my first years I didn’t handle the yearly spike in business that came around April: I overbooked my schedule and made some sloppy mistakes. Equipment would break but we had no backup. We were understaffed and couldn’t get customers scheduled for 5-6 days out (customers called the next […]
There are great perks that come with running a detailing business. You sometimes drive (well, maybe a few feet) the cars you daydreamed about in highschool: Ferrari, Lamborghini, GT-R, etc. Good fun. But for every “cherry” project there’s just as many “dogs”: flood damage, water leaks, mold, vomit, pet urine, fire damage, etc. Your task […]
Harvard grads aren’t lining up to work at my detail shop, so I’ve been through my share of clock milkers, late-shows, no-shows, and those with an “eye for detail” like a cave bat. And though I still draft an occasional dud, I’ve greatly improved my hiring process over the years. Here’s 7 tips. 1. Ask […]