Wadner Cotez owns Allure Detail in the greater Los Angeles area. LA could have the most mobile detailers in the world. It’s brutally competitive. So how does Wadner stand above? With a website that: Tells the owner’s story. Look at his about us page. Proves he’s good. Every page of his site has 50+ reviews, […]
If you want customers who appreciate and pay more for quality detail work, read on and I’ll share with you how I did this for my business, Visual Pro Detailing. In this article I’m going to focus on the following: How to improve the quality of your customers. How to phase out clients who are […]
If you can afford it, spend a minimum of $1000 on a website for your detailing, PDR, or other automotive appearance business. Choose someone local with a reputation that you’ve verified. If you can’t, do this: Step 1: Reserve domain. Time required: 10 min. Cost: $15/yr Go to http://namecheap.com and follow the directions. Step 2: […]
[pullquote]Why is the average person so willing to pay a professional for car repair, and so reluctant to pay a professional for car detailing?[/pullquote] We surveyed 80 American car owners and discovered that they’re more willing to pay a pro than we expected if: The price is right. They believe they can’t do the job […]
“If you work just for money, you’ll NEVER make it. But if you love what you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours.” —Ray Krock; Founder of McDonalds Stop second guessing and start planning. How many of your customers say their car “looks great,” pay you politely, and drive away […]
“I didn’t get this far by charging rich people more…I’ll charge you like I charge a poor person; I keep that price the same, I never change.” Platinum Shine, Elthridge’s business of 27 years. You can also check out the quality of his work on Facebook. -Ethridge Miller Ethridge believes that one price fits all […]
“If my customer can afford me, good…I don’t compete on prices because that degrades the quality of the service.” —Jose Peza Jose believes in customer satisfaction, flexibility, and that you get what you pay for, and he has the experience, education, dedication, and tools to prove it. Over 25 years how many different detail companies […]
“Money grow on trees in the car business. Shake every tree ’till you’ll find it.” -John Ireland John Ireland will do anything for a car dealer if it: 1) Helps them sell cars and 2) Makes him money. In our interview he reveals: Why none on his crew of 10 milks the clock, ever. His […]
Jean Claude of Detailed Designs Auto Spa gets an average of $900 to clean and polish a car. Read our interview with Jean, and discover: Why his clients pay him 4 times more than his competitors. How he meets clients. Mistakes he made on the way to become a high dollar detailer. Why he continues […]
Do you find time spent that time spent writing invoices, collecting payment, and organizing your wholesale accounts reduces time for real work? [pullquote]IPhone/Android apps can help reduce paperwork, and keep your mind free to make cars beautiful.[/pullquote] Here’s my 4 favorites. 1. Recon Pro Designed specifically for automotive reconditioners, Recon Pro has released an application […]